
Astrology Readings

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Contact Ayana

About Ayana

Ayana was fascinated by astrology since she was a little girl and learned she came from a lineage of astrologers, healers & wisdom practitioners spanning 5 generations. Still, it wasn’t until she was in her m-30s that she embraced her heart’s calling: expanding awareness and easing suffering using the multidimensional lens of Vedic Astrology.

Scroll down to learn more about Ayana’s journey to honoring her Inner Voice and embracing her personal truth.

About Us

Ayana acts as a reader, healer and mentor to clients. Most share her belief that there is more to life than meets they eye, and are inspired to live in alignment their unique gifts and authenticity.

Her approach is warm, direct and empowering. Ayana shares from the depth of her own research, business and life experience, refined perception and daily spiritual practice.

With a lifetime’s immersion in divination, 17 years as a master hypnotherapist and 11 years as a professional Vedic Astrologer and certified yoga therapist, Ayana’s work empowers clients from 18+ countries to embrace their lives with clarity, compassionate self-acceptance, connectedness & courage.

If you’re curious about how I got here….

Four decades before this business was born, I came into the world in lush New Zealand, vibrantly & mystically connected to nature and the earth. Refusing to wear shoes, I ran barefoot surrounded by clucking chickens and sleek, graceful Dobermans with the bright, pungent scents of eucalyptus trees and feijoa fruit drifting across the back garden. I could happily lose myself in the magic of a blade of grass and counted luminous stars in vast inky black skies.

Rural island life didn’t last long. A move to Australia found me wriggling my toes in warm golden sand and swimming in sparkling oceans dotted with translucent jellyfish. I was also introduced to the bustle of city life. I studied music & gymnastics and first learned the joy of consciously connecting to my body through vibrational sound and movement, which still inform my life today.

Later at age nine, my Levi’s covered in dust, I unearthed blue and white bird-shaped beads and fragments of painted pottery – Native American relics excavated during a brief relocation to an Arizona ranch with views of the wide horizons of the Sonoran desert. This sparked a lifelong curiosity for discovering the mysteries of the past and respect for cultures that live in harmony with nature.

My parents were true global citizens, and by the time I was 18 I had lived on several continents and traveled widely. With so much change and necessary adaptation in my world, I intuitively sought security and stability through finding patterns and deeper interconnectivity that transcended language and culture. It helped that I was naturally curious and fascinated with how many ways there are to live.

In London my passions for detailed observation, untangling histories, and writing led me to a research degree in art history and material studies. I loved big city life, being surrounded by the energies of creativity and intellectual stimulation, and I met my husband. Still, I craved inner stillness and peace. Thus began a 25 years and counting meditation journey.

Eventually moving closer to family in California, I immersed myself in the West Coast culture of self-development, eventually opening a holistic hypnotherapy practice in 2005.

I had also fallen into a successful corporate career in real estate working in prime locations like Beverly Hills and Malibu. After all that moving about it made sense for me to guide people to find inviting places to call home. But despite the beauty of California coastal living and the lifestyle perks of the job the stress was immense and my heart wasn’t in it. I longed for something different but wasn’t sure what that was.

Stress & burnout caught up with me and I experienced a crash, a painful period of loss and transformation. My health returned through applying and eventually teaching yoga therapy and Ayurvedic principles. On this healing journey I embarked on spiritual pilgrimages to India and Nepal studying Advaita Vedanta at Sivananda & Dayananda ashrams and continuing studentship in Vedic Astrology.

It was a long, winding and at times intense road to arrive at what before I had understood only intellectually: the gut-level knowing that no matter how prestigious the exterior, true security, fulfillment and happiness lie within. Through intimate connection to our hearts and the Divine, which some call Nature or God, and through understanding and fully accepting ourselves with compassion and grace.

The last 5 years find me mostly in mystical Bali, where I stay in a remote diving village with ancient temples and volcanoes etched on the horizon. My sweet rescue dog Zoe runs happy and free on black sand beaches. From the shore I paddle to wildly colorful reefs alive with otherworldly corals & tropical fish. Our new kitten Tourmaline who should have been named Skycat welcomes us home mewing from the tops of swaying palms.

Here I’m nourished by nature, community & serve through humanitarian work. I’m humbled and deeply grateful to live my heart’s calling: guiding & healing through the multidimensional lens of Vedic Astrology.

Are you currently

  • Navigating a major shift or life transition?
  • Timing important decisions that impact your career, finances, relocation, surgery, travel, pregnancy or something else?
  • Experiencing traumatic events, wondering how + when they’ll resolve?

Are you seeking insight + guidance on

  • Life challenges, important relationships, education or something else?
  • Whether marriage or children are in your karma, and if so when?
  • If it is a good time to exit a relationship that seems to have run its course?
  • How to best nurture your child as a parent – their unique talents + needs?
  • Embracing + navigating your recent spiritual awakening?

Are you ready to discover

  • Your authentic purpose + life path?
  • How to expand self awareness?
  • The karmic key to your living more happily, confidently + in flow?
  • The next steps on your healing or awakening journey?

Tune in to Cosmic Guidance with Ayana

Ayana in your Inbox!

Gifts of regular moon forecasts, planetary wisdom, Celestial Cures and special offers delivered straight to you.

1 + 14 =

My experience with Ayana was truly special. She’s a gifted intuitive who is very knowledgeable about her craft. She gave me insight on my dharma and spiritual journey in this lifetime. She was also able to interpret my karmic relationships and gave me tools to further my spiritual healing. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a Vedic astrologer.

Connie – USA

Clarity! When truth rings true you just know it

Jake, Bali

Ayana gave me intriguing perspectives. First off, I was struck by how relaxing the whole experience was. Ayana is calm, reassuring and a skillful communicator. The time flew. I found the reading very illuminating in regards to the period of life that I’m in, as well as the period that I’m moving into. Her charts spoke to my child, my wife, my career and my spiritual trajectory. The insight I’ve gained is invaluable, and it’s refreshing to experience a Vedic reading that’s so applicable and actually fun!

Charles, USA

Ayana gave me such a sense of depth and of my place and purpose in the universe. My reading was deeply illuminating and encouraging, and I was given so much useful information; I have been savoring it. I love Ayana’s kind, warm, interactive style and felt extremely comfortable with her from the outset of the reading. I’ve had various “Western” astrology readings over the years as well as a couple of Vedic Astrology readings, and Ayana’s was truly special. I am deeply grateful. I highly recommend Ayana and her readings!

Nicole, USA


Here are answers to common questions about Vedic Astrology + Holistic Hypnotherapy

What is Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)?

Jyotish is the Sanskrit word for Vedic Astrology. It means ‘Science of Light’ and is a system of astrology that has been in use consistently for over 1,500 years.
Vedic Astrology is an incredibly accurate astrological tradition. It is revered for its depth of insight and for its accuracy in identifying and timing life events, cycles of life (for example whether your time and energy are best applied toward career vs family vs relationship, education, spirituality etc) and revealing your dharma, or life’s purpose. It’s also excellent for
choosing auspicious times (for example for a wedding, vacation, starting a business, buying a home, launching your marketing etc).
Jyotish is part of daily life in traditional Hindu culture. Whereas in the West astrology is mostly used for entertainment purposes, in South Asian Hindu countries astrology is taken quite seriously. As strange as this may sound to a Westerner, the Indian government regulates certain aspects of Jyotish, which is taught in science colleges alongside physics + maths.

How is Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology different from Western (Tropical) Astrology?

Both systems use the Sun, Moon and planets and divide the zodiac into 12 signs. However there are 5 key differences between Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and Western Astrology.
Celestial Cures | Remedial Measures!
You are not a victim of your fate! Vedic Astrology assumes that we have come into this life with karma from previous lifetimes. (Karma is simply the law of cause and effect). AND we have the ability to improve some of that karma by taking certain actions now that benefit us on the
mental, emotional, subtle vibrational and spiritual levels.

Recommended remedial measures, which I call Celestial Cures or Upayas, are strongly
recommended and are available as an add-on for every reading. Of course it’s up to you if you want to try them out or not.

I design modern-day remedial measures to soften or dissolve challenges revealed by your planets and time cycles. You will also receive instructions on how to perform a traditional Hindu mantra, ritual or actions curated specifically to your horoscope to support you in clearing past karma. Many of these mantras and rituals have been being practiced for over thousands of
years. Because they help.

Everything is nature and vibration. Clients report time again that Celestial Cures help them feel more in control of their circumstances, which also tend to shift and improve.

Have you ever wondered why timing predictions are more accurate with Vedic Astrology than Western? A lot of it has to do with Vedic Astrology’s incorporation of Nakshatras & Dasas. Nakshatras are also known as lunar mansions and relate to the position of the moon in the sky on a particular day. The most famous is your Janma Nakshatra, or birth star. Some Western Astrologers use lunar mansions, but the way in which they are used in Jyotish is unique. Dasas refer to periods of power and influence when specific planets dominate your chart, and are always changing.

Dasas refer to periods of power and influence when specific planets dominate your chart, and are always changing. They are key to providing accurate predictions and advising on which areas of life to channel your precious time and energy towards so that you can experience the
most ease and flow.

Sidereal Zodiac.
Vedic Astrology uses different zodiacal calculations based on ayanamsha. What does that mean for you? Well, if you are a Leo Rising in Western Astrology, in Jyotish there’s about an 80% chance you will be a Cancer Rising. Gulp!

Let me explain: The Sidereal Zodiac used by Vedic Astrologers is based on the position of stars, whereas Western Astrologers use the Tropical Zodiac which is based on the position of the equinox. Because of the precession of the equinox, the Tropical Zodiac is about 24 degrees
ahead of the Sidereal Zodiac, and does not accurately reflect the position of the constellations at this point in history. In fact, the Tropical Zodiac was last astronomically accurate about 2,000
years ago.

Having used both zodiacs in my own work for 25 years I now almost always use the Sidereal Zodiac, which is an accurate, true map of the sky we see today. And in case you’re interested, I use True Chitrapaksha ayanamsha.

Rahu and Ketu.
Jyotish gives a lot of emphasis to the nodes of the moon which we call Rahu and Ketu. These are extremely powerful and karmic points in the chart. Rahu refers to what you came here to learn and evolve towards, and Ketu relates to the karma you came in with from past lives.

Traditionally Jyotish doesn’t use the outer planets Uranus, Pluto and Neptune though I do sometimes incorporate them in consultations.

Can Non-Hindus benefit from a Vedic Astrology reading?

Absolutely! You do not need to have any special belief system or be Hindu to benefit
from a Vedic Astrology reading. The principles revealed through the planets are

I read for clients and seekers from many parts of the world including USA, India, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, China, South Korea, Germany, Finland and Nepal. Readings are in English.

How can I benefit from a Vedic Astrology reading?

Have you ever noticed that some years it has simply been easier for you to move
forward with your happiness and goals, while others there have been distractions and challenges, even tragedy? A Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) reading helps prepare you for those cycles so that you can take advantage of ‘lucky’ periods and prepare yourself for road bumps ahead.

Vedic Astrology is a powerful wisdom tool for understanding and developing yourself into the best person you can be. The information revealed will help you live more skillfully and more in harmony with yourself and the cosmos.

For 1,500 years Jyotish has given profound insight into the cycles of life as they relate to the human experience including relationship, family, finances, creativity and more. All areas of life can be analyzed and revealed using Jyotish.

Clients have told me that after their readings they feel more clarity & peace, more grounded, powerful and strong, a sense of freedom, that they know themselves more deeply and intimately, and that they have a better sense of their purpose, direction and life path.

Readings with me are completely non-judgmental. I’m here as an astrologer interpreter + guide. I am here to provide helpful information and if you request it can help you in healing + fulfilling your unique soul’s purpose potential that is revealed in your charts. (You actually have over 30 charts in Jyotish!)

I am a choice revealer not a choice maker. I cannot make your difficult decision for you.
However it is my privilege to provide you with as much information as is appropriate for you along with sharing your karmic gifts and challenges so that you can move through your human experience smoothly, with more ease, clarity, confidence and grounded peace.

Is Vedic Astrology scary?

Astrology should never be scary. Sometimes the idea that aspects of our lives are ‘fated’ is frightening or distasteful to a Western mentality. The fact is, of course, we have free will (called kriyamaana karma) to choose our actions. Unfortunately, very traditional Vedic Astrologers don’t always emphasize this.

So, while certain events in our lives are fated (for example, the family we’re born into + our physical features) the choices we make and how we live our lives have an enormous impact on how our karmas manifest.

To soften challenging karmas and enhance positive ones, you can order Curated Celestial Cures. Your Curated Celestial Cures act as an astral attunement. Learn more about Celestial Cures by tapping this link.

I’ve never done anything like this before.

Then you’re in the right place. You probably wouldn’t be here if you weren’t curious or seeking answers and at least a little intrigued about exploring deeper parts of yourself, and seeing your life in the context of being part of a greater whole or purpose.

I communicate the wisdom and guidance revealed in your horoscope in a way that is easily accessible, understandable and relevant to you and your specific questions.

What happens during a reading with Ayana?

Before we meet you’ll complete a questionnaire providing your birth data (date, time + place of birth) and your specific questions.

Readings with me are usually on Zoom. I research your chart in advance for several hours + meditate on it before we meet with your questions in mind. During your session I’ll share your chart + provide astrological perspectives on the questions + concerns you are consulting me for.
When we meet I don’t talk ‘at’ you. Readings with me are a 2-way conversation, you are free to share as much or as little as you are comfortable with.

I am not a psychic or channeller; I act as a translator, guide + coach so you can get the most benefit from the multidimensional lens of your horoscope. If you want to ‘test’ an astrologer please choose someone else. I spend several hours preparing each reading and don’t want to waste my time or yours.

How do I schedule a reading with Ayana?

To schedule an astrology reading tap here [link to Paperbell]

How do I prepare for my session with Ayana?

There is nothing specific you need to do to prepare for your reading. However the information revealed can be healing and transformative.

To get the most out of our time together, I recommend you be in a quiet place during the session. If you are in your car please pull over / stop driving for the duration of your reading. Try to take some time beforehand or the morning of your reading to settle your mind. A few ideas are taking a walk in nature, meditating, listening to music that calms you or applying a soothing essential oil like Lavender.

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