How surreal was it watching 800 year old Notre Dame Cathedral burn yesterday? While the beautiful Gothic pile is an internationally recognized symbol of the Roman Catholic church, it also happens to be built on the site of an earlier temple to Jupiter. Fascinating, as Jupiter – at his best the upholder of highest morals & principles, at worst a hypocritical zealot – is currently retrograde in the the swampy, deepest gandant minutes of fiery Mula nakshatra.
Mula is related to Nritti an early form of the Mahavidya (tantric goddess) Dhumavati. Dhumavati is called the ‘beholder of smoke’ – a striking synchrony as the world consumed images of Notre Dame in flames. Dhumavati is a reminder that intrinsic to the cycle of creation is the material reality that all is in decay. She’s also the protector of the destitute & outcasts. This fire a few days before Easter was a fitting symbolic retribution for the Catholic Church which is undergoing long overdue purges & some restructuring as the voices of generations of victims of sexual abuse are finally being heard.
There were many astrological indicators for fire at the time the Cathedral started to burn, the most obvious being that all fire signs had planets in them & that Mars’ destructive 8th aspect in architectural Taurus was impacting Saturn, Ketu, Pluto & Jupiter in Sidereal Sagittarius. However to predict a fire at the site would require researching charts in addition to concurrent transits & panchanga, for example the ‘birth chart’ of when the church was inaugurated. Interestingly all 3 Ketu nakshatras each had one of the 3 sattvic (intelligent & purifying) planets transiting them. Ketu is by its nature fiery & destructive but only in service of Ultimate Truth. Ketu is also supremely detached from argument or form.
This event however is more significant as a wider symbolic indication of this year’s purification & restructuring of religion & belief structures indicated by the Sagittarius transit of destructive-regenerative Pluto, stubbornly conservative Saturn & nothing-but-the-truth Ketu in tight conjunction.
Whatever house Sagittarius rules in our Sidereal charts is a site of unavoidable pressure & transformation this year, more intense if activated by dasha.
Consciously exploring this area of our lives can help us notice & test any cracks. Maybe it’s time for an empowering belief update?
Collectively we’re being asked to rethink our highest beliefs & principles.
Some questions to ask ourselves in the course of this year are: Where and in whom are we putting our faith? Do our principles & what we profess to believe in actually work in the real world?