April in the northern hemisphere is the coming of spring, associated with brightening days, birdsong & increased vitality. For us happy introverts pottering away in our gardens, we get to savor the moment and the sweet spring rays. For many of us though our lives & attention are temporarily diverted from the promise of what’s to come. ⠀
Why? The month’s energy is dominated by reality-check Saturn, not an easy taskmaster especially for the more sensitive among us. The karmic nodes continue to transit transformative stars on the Galactic Plane, a giant black hole at the center of the Milky Way & Pluto is still fanning subconscious fear. It is all in the service of positive change & our collective evolution, but couldn’t things hurry along a bit?⠀
This month we may hear of medical advances thanks to Ashwini’s emphasis & Venus’ transit, but announcements will be premature. This is also the case in May, when social distancing restrictions will begin to loosen but it will be too soon. Covid19 is with us at least until September & likely longer. ⠀
While Earth enjoys her reset, our own healing could be at the stage of feeling grief, confusion or frustration now that Mars is under Saturn. These difficult emotions are opportunities to cultivate presence, patience & courage. If we’re navigating the spectrum of solitude vs loneliness; or trying to adapt to restricted circumstances vs feeling imprisoned; or feel like sobbing for no specific reason – just all of it – then Saturn’s gifts of grit, maturity, patience & surrender are especially valuable. Trying out one of the simple Saturn remedies I share at the end of this post can help ease the process.⠀
Globally, quarantines continue through April. Governments will further limit civil liberties in the name of keeping populations safe, even as the needs of the ‘common man’ will be better represented than anticipated. Coronavirus will continue to spread rapidly & the numbers will rise. Communities embracing Saturnian social distancing & strict hygiene for what could feel like far too long will be most successful at flattening the curve & reducing infection rates.
For those of us fortunate enough to be healthy, safe, fed or sheltered w someone we love – this is a time of gratitude. For all of us, remembering those who are vulnerable or in lockdown alone – also donating time & resources to the depressed, lonely, sick or otherwise in need – are powerful karmic remedies for Saturn. Meditation & creating a rhythm & routine also help lighten Saturn’s lessons. Simply reaching out & connecting virtually can be an extraordinarily generous act now.
Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu