29 October, 2021
Relationships have been tricky the last several weeks. Venus has been in Scorpio with Ketu, heightening distance or dissatisfaction in primary relationships. While Mars & Venus in parivartan exchange this past week could be amplifying grass is greener syndrome.
But the skies are calling for truths to come forward, in this as in so many areas of life the past year-and-a-half.
This weekend could be a good time to practice rising above drama + passive aggression, + to be gentle with our hearts.
Venus is on its way to flirty, passionate Sagittarius where it will at least escape Ketu’s perfectionist gaze. But first it must traverse the gandanta zone between sidereal Scorpio + Sagittarius.This is a weekend to be gentle with our hearts.
Venus is on its way to flirty, passionate Sagittarius but first must traverse the gandanta zone between sidereal Scorpio + Sagittarius.
This sensitive point seeks to elevate and detach us from entanglements and ultimately supports us in uprootimg karmic patterns especially those that involve ancestral lineage.
If in doubt choose what fills you with vitality and replenishes rather than drains precious life force.
just love