Moon Forecasts, Transit Updates & Personal Astrology Research Articles
We’re working out a few bugs on our blog page. The good news is that recent posts are loading correctly. Enjoy diving into real-time transit forecasts including astrological analysis and tips on how to make the most out of the current Cosmic Starscape.
Full Moon in Gemini | Mrigasira Naksahtra
December 19, 2021FULL MOON IN GEMINI | MRIGASIRA NAKSHATRADecember’s full moon rose in Mrigasira, a curious exploratory star that straddles the security + comfort of Taurus with the intellectual, variety-loving nature of Gemini.✧This is a star where we seek our bliss...
Possible Misfires
Today is one of the more intense + pressured days of December, carrying with it the potential of a misfire. We may realize too late or almost too late that we need to make a change in direction to avert problems.
Mars Transits Scorpio
Sometimes we have to discover what we’re not to know who we are. And it’s perfect, because we’re humans who are in a state of continual evolution.
The Heart of Eclipse Season
Alchemical transmutation. Eruptions of suppressed emotion. Reclaiming the personal power that is our birthright. These are some of the themes of tonight’s solar eclipse in Jyestha Nakshatra, Star of Achievement + being our own hero.
Solar Eclipse in Jyestha Nakshatra
Have you ever noticed that some eclipses trigger sudden endings while others shower us with a sudden opportunity or expansion? We’re in the heart of eclipse season. The partial lunar eclipse was Nov 18/19 depending where you’re located + the solar eclipse passes overhead Dec 4.
Lunar Eclipse in Krittika Nakshatra
Eclipse season is here again, and this cycle is an especially clarifying one. Tonight’s lunar eclipse is in fiery, illuminating Krittika nakshatra.
Transmuting Relationships
29 October, 2021VENUS CHALLENGES: TRANSMUTING RELATIONSHIPS Relationships have been tricky the last several weeks. Venus has been in Scorpio with Ketu, heightening distance or dissatisfaction in primary relationships. While Mars & Venus in parivartan exchange this...
Ayurvedic Kitchari Benefits + Recipe
With all of the change & lack of predictability in the world, observing nature’s rhythms & cycles is reassuring. Night turns to day, summer turns to fall, winter turns to spring.
Full Moon in Ashwini Nakshatra
20 October, 2021FULL MOON IN ASHWINI NAKSHATRA Welcome to a refreshing full moon in Ashwini nakshatra, a swift, passionate star of healing & rejuvenation. A shape-shifting & manifesting star, these qualities continue to infuse the next 2 weeks, particularly...
Uplevelling Sustainability Consciousness
Uplevelling Our Sustainability Consciousness | Do you feel your energy shifting? What wants to emerge? The 2nd half of October is a major shift. Many of us are feeling more inspired w new vitality & moving towards energized action.
Reality + Your Dharma are Trying to Make a Baby
Did you know? Reality & your dharma are trying to make a baby. Seriously.
New Moon in Chitra: Planting Seeds in the Midst of Chaos
Infused w the energy of the Celestial Architect, it asks us to imagine what we would like to manifest over the next 6 to 15 months. And to set that intention like it matters.
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