Moon Forecasts, Transit Updates & Personal Astrology Research Articles
We’re working out a few bugs on our blog page. The good news is that recent posts are loading correctly. Enjoy diving into real-time transit forecasts including astrological analysis and tips on how to make the most out of the current Cosmic Starscape.
Distrust of Authority + The Desire to Bond
Well, the news isn’t great. Distrust of authority coupled w the natural desire to bond socially & generate business income will result in higher Covid numbers & deaths.
Resetting our Compass
How different does the world look? As many of us begin to return outside w fresh eyes & hearts, May is a month to renew clarity regarding what our soul desires & to set our compass to true north.
Chitra Supermoon
Tonight a huge supermoon lights up the sky in bright, talented, creative Chitra nakshatra. This full moon signals the start of an emerging that will continue through the spring.
April 2020 Vedic Astrology Forecast, Part 1
How are you? Are you settling in at all? The first weeks of April invite us to ground, to go within & to rejuvenate. The month glides in on the deep, mysterious & internal energy of March’s new moon
April 2020, Vedic Astrology Forecast Part 2
April in the northern hemisphere is the coming of spring, associated with brightening days, birdsong & increased vitality. But April 2020’s energy is dominated by reality-check Saturn, not an easy taskmaster especially for the more sensitive among us.
Mars Conjunct Saturn
As the darkest planets meet, working w the light, whatever that means to us personally, will go a long way now. Not only to set free our personal joy, creativity & peace of mind, but also to support collective peace & healing the planet.
The gifts & lessons of Saturn ShaniDev
Today in my daily meditation practice it hit me: Saturn. The planet, more than any other, that we love to hate. Saturn the planet of limitation, of quarantine, of loss of material survival needs & what brings us joy. What was Saturn trying to teach me??
Ammachi The Hugging Saint & Leadership
Amma’s message on how to approach the immediate future is inspiring & grounded, in full presence & ownership of being in human form.
March 2020, Full Moon Vedic Astrology Forecast
March’s supermoon brightens the horizon and infuses us with a spirit of generosity and welcome optimism.
Full Moon Affirmations, March 2020
Here they are! Your sweet affirmations for the full moon in Purva Phalguni nakshatra. I am gentle with myself. I cultivate compassion & stillness in my thoughts & in my heart so that healing happens. I embrace my heart’s desire.
March 2020, Vedic Astrology Full Moon Forecast
The novel coronavirus will continue to spread rapidly unfortunately with increasing fatalities. Still, by far the majority of people ill will continue to recuperate after extended rest.
March 2020, Vedic Astrology Forecast Part 2
What’s the deal w Coronavirus? March invites us to be savvy & to take the long view in the face of life’s inevitable unknowns which for some of us feel more worrying & urgent now.
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