December 08, 2021
Sometimes we have to discover what we’re not to know who we are. And it’s perfect, because we’re humans who are in a state of continual evolution. This is especially the case in Scorpio, a sign of probing + transmutation.
The transit of Mars through Scorpio amplifies + focuses the power of last week’s solar eclipse. Hidden desires or stuck emotions that blocked access to who we truly are + our ability to trust our inner voice may be coming up to be expressed, both collectively + personally.
Collectively this isn’t an easy time. Military action will likely increase globally. Stay alert to personal surroundings. Because of Mars’ transit, we’re still deep in eclipse energy into January.
Sun + Mercury also happen to be transiting the eclipse star Jyestha that connects us to our leadership ability + heroism. We’re being invited to open our eyes to whom we’re becoming + what needs to change to embody + relax into this. At a deeper level, some of us could also experience the disorientation + elation of remembering + integrating parts of us that were suppressed or we thought were lost.
This is an alchemical time for the planet + for us as human participants of a conscious universe. We sometimes forget that Scorpio can represent parts of ourselves that have been frozen, sometimes for aeons, for so long + so deeply that we may have forgotten who we are. It’s a defense strategy against wounding or trauma, part of protective Scorpio’s paradoxical cravings for truth, authenticity, transformation + control.
But change is inevitable + it’s happening. It can feel like a surge: of emotion, of creativity or unconscious shadow material rising to awareness, of breaking through a stalemate.
This could feel intense, potent + exciting. Life force is regenerating as ancient frozen spaces are breaking up + starting to move. Trusting the process + asking for support when we need it may be the most challenging part of the journey.
We’re deep in an alchemical shift. If this resonates it may be best to delay making major life changes for about a month.