Because December’s full moon is a moon of recalibration.
The heady forward motion experienced since eclipse season might be taking an unexpected turn. The power of retrograde Mars tightly conjunct the full moon (which 2.5 days ago triggered the lunar eclipse degree) spotlights a sudden awareness we can’t deny. Universe is calling for fresh alertness + for taking necessary corrective action in some area of life.
Whatever needs to be adjusted or released now will occur quickly. It’s a natural and healthy pruning. In the transformative 8th house from the moon, curious Mercury + savvy Venus bring resourcefulness + creativity to all they touch, dancing nimbly in the mysterious galactic center of Mula nakshatra which reveals the root of things.
For Cancer moon, lagna and dashapati lagna this could involve career, ambitions, children or public image. For Aquarians there could be something around the home, community, communication + broader networks.
Trust in the wisdom of course adjustments + humbling perspectives. Let go of attachment to expectations of how things should go. If the higher purpose of this detour isn’t clear yet, it will become obvious in retrospect.
The full moon peaks in Rohini nakshatra. Rohini is called ‘The Red One’, and she is arohana shakti, the Power to Grow Things. Growth in nature ebbs and flows with the seasons. The Sun in Jyestha can stoke passion, ambition + strategizing, + the moon is in a highly creative star. We may be full of ideas of what we want to accomplish but with retrograde Mars so strong, might not quite have the energy + focus to implement our to-do lists.
Not to worry. Motivation and clarity of direction will return when Mars and Mercury go direct, 12 and 18 January respectively. Allow for downtime + give yourself permission to enjoy life + festive season if you celebrate.