August 2018 Full Moon in Satabishak Nakshatra
Compared to the vivid shifts & disruptions of the recent 3 eclipses & Mars-Ketu conjunction, this is a gentle influence. There is however more power generated than meets the eye.
Tonight’s moon is intimately connected with the August 11th new moon partial solar eclipse that occurred in Ashlesha nakshatra, Sidereal Cancer. Full moons demonstrate the peak potential of each preceding new moon. Like Satabishak, Ashlesha is also associated with masking, secrets, esotericism & healing. Ashlesha’s talents for psychology, cleverness, alternative healing & transmuting toxins harmonize exquisitely with the healing powers of Satabishak.
Satabishak translates to ‘100 Physicians’ & it’s where we may obsessively seek & discover the appropriate, alternative treatments often after being let down by traditional allopathic medicine. Like Ashlesha its energy helps us understand & resolve stubborn issues that have a psychological or energetic component. Potential to experience healing, wisdom & revelations are indicated during this lunar cycle particularly with Jupiter’s trinal aspect. Now is the perfect time to benefit from an astrology reading, Bach flower remedies or hypnotherapy session.
Rahu’s influence on the Full Moon in Satabishak Nakshatra
We may feel a strong desire to get to what is below the surface & to bring private information to light. With Venus in debilitation & Rahu, who isn’t shy about shaking things up conjunct Mercury, beware foot in mouth syndrome. These revelations whether internal healing & self knowledge or out in the material plane can be disruptive, but are another step on the path of soul evolution & freedom. At some level now we are all swimming in uncharted waters.