Yesterday Jupiter toed into Sidereal Libra, bringing more openness and inspiration to our partnerships and relationships generally. Have you been feeling this shift over the past week?
During its transit through Virgo over the last year, Jupiter’s idealism was cramped by nit-pickiness and perfectionism; the big picture was in danger of being lost with too much focus on the details of what could, or was, going wrong. Virgo truly isn’t Jupiter’s favorite place to visit. Imagine a spiritual leader or inspirational CEO being put to work in accounting or data processing. While neither of these are inherently negative by any means, these departments are just not a great fit for the gifts and consciousness of Guru.
In Libra Jupiter expands our capacity and experience of sensuality, creative expression, diplomacy and simply enjoying life more. This is the sign where we are more thoughtful about another’s feelings and how our actions will impact them and our immediate environment. Jupiter’s optimism here has us inclined to display more generosity to others. The danger here is that we give another too much credit due to being overly idealistic, or prioritize another’s needs over our own leading to inevitable frustration and backlash. Balance in all things.
A dominant theme over the coming 13 months will be fairness. How much compromise is healthy? How do we ensure that our needs and our partner’s are met while still leaving room for optimism, expansiveness and growth? How much is too much? How do we skillfully negotiate boundaries?
In the collective sphere there will be a much-needed emphasis on the social contract.
There are new, creative avenues to explore and master in relationship and relatedness, with much wisdom to be gained. Enjoy the ride!
💙 Only love 💙