The clear light of today’s full moon is disrupted by the shadow of the earth falling upon it, in a penumbral eclipse in Sravana nakshatra peaking at 11:20am PDT. Eclipses of the moon cloud our mental and emotional perceptions, which can create insecurity or confusion as we grasp for clarity. If this eclipse falls within 3 degrees of a natal planet or your ascendant there is disruption in the days surrounding the eclipse, and typically manifests as a sudden event involving the indications of Sravana. What area of life is impacted depends on a number of factors in your individual chart, including your rising sign, moon sign and planetary period.
Sravana nakshatra is about hearing and learning information, the movement of information, & also the steps we take to move forward towards our positive goals. Each of these areas is struggling in one way or another due to the current planetary line-up. Mercury is about to go retrograde which while useful for reviewing and correcting information we’ve learned, isn’t so auspicious for efficient communication. Are your colleagues actually hearing you, and vice versa? Mars’ combustion and debilitation almost exactly opposite the eclipse is kicking up frustration and the tendency to overcompensate for this trying too hard to prove ourselves. But what are we really fighting against? And Saturn’s continued retrograde motion in defensive Jyestha nakshatra has us second guessing our commitments, which while potentially wise is creating energetic blocks to clear progress in long-term goals.
Fortunately Jupiter’s trinal aspect from Chitra nakshatra helps us to keep the faith & supports us with the ability to break through the veils of our illusions & heal what is revealed. Fall back on your teachers & higher philosophies, and check in with your still small voice, the Guru Within.
Take time to still the mind with meditation today. Relax and notice any churning of thoughts or emotions. Allow images & sensations to float to the surface, and give them your non-judgmental attention. These are clues for what is coming into the light consciousness to be lovingly held and transformed in the coming weeks. Remember, today is a good day for psychic and spiritual insight but not for taking action or analyzing information.
💙 Only love 💙
Image Credit: Nick Brandt