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March 2020, Vedic Astrology Forecast Part 2
01 March 2020







March 2020, Part 2


MARCH 2020, PT 2

Are you feeling creatively inspired? Why is there so much chaotic information flying about? What’s the deal w Coronavirus?⠀


March invites us to be savvy, to take the long view in the face of life’s inevitable unknowns which for some of us feel more worrying & urgent now. There is abundant cosmic support to come up with unique solutions to creative, scientific & technological challenges now, along with inspiration to work through any difficult energy by surrendering to, even dissolving into, creative flow & spiritual bliss.

Creative inspiration, subtle awareness, refined perception & bliss states can be heightened at different times the next 2 months, & are healthiest when we stay grounded.

✨ ⠀

March kicks off heady, technological & airy. Progressive Rahu is wildly strong & whipping up the air element that has been further activated by the new moon. Air (vata) relates to information, communication, creativity & desire (kama). If we’re intellectually inclined or work with technology, social media or in a humanitarian field we could be feeling inspired, ambitious & impulsive now.⠀


This is an energy of accelerated awareness & independent thinking however for any of us work with it effectively we need to integrate our bodily & gut instinct & subtle intuition into the mix. Air is a very speedy element, & now ether is also mixed in. This can be excellent for intuition & divine inspiration but can flood our senses with more (mis)information than we can necessarily compute now, as certain transits are impacting the reliability of our logic. Mindfulness practice & exercising consciously (yoga, martial arts but also just paying attention to our environment when running or working out) can provide ripple effect benefits in our lives now.⠀


As the month continues we have a sensual, relationally focused & body centered full moon in Purva Phalguni nakshatra. On the same day, March 9th, Mercury goes direct & Venus conjoins Uranus. This can bring some freedom within a relationship & can often be quite healthy.  I’ve always loved Sufi poet Kahlil Gibran’s poem ‘On Marriage’ which can be applied to other forms of partnership, which i’ll share a few lines from:

“Let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you…
Sing and dance together and be joyous,
But let each one of you be alone …
Stand together yet not too near together …
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.” ✨
If we’re in the right partnership there will be renewed coziness & a desire to build more security together at the end of the month when Venus moves into Sidereal Taurus.

From March 20th there will be more fiery motivation & drive to move projects & personal agendas forward as Mars transits first Jupiter, then Pluto & then enters its sign of exaltation on the 22nd. We will still be riding the intellectual, research-driven but potentially confused Rahu energy. The whole month gives us opportunities to practice balancing our internal & external states, & to avoid mishaps or accidents by taking our time & not rushing.

With the Purva Phalguni full moon resolving in a new moon in mystical Pisces, creative endeavors can be very productive now & through April as well as a potent & healing remedy for the scattered energies of this month.

By the end of March we might be face frustration with manifesting projects in material reality. Capricorn is becoming more activated & can create temporary slow-downs, but rewards us with success when we show up as best we can & sticking to our long-term goals even if there are temporary delays or obstacles.

If we’re a connoisseur or sarcasm or cynical by nature, there will be plenty of inspiration by the end of the month. Getting our bliss on with dance, music, writing, spiritual practice, higher learning, creative expression & in relationships are supported activities this month which can also soothe our mind, soul & emotions while also being karmically purifying. Enjoy!

Regarding Coronavirus, in private readings throughout 2019 I predicted a likely global health event most strongly impacting Asia, hitting around the time of the recent holiday eclipses. This is an uneasy time & Covid-19 is not going away yet. I will post separately about it & am writing an in-depth analysis of my research on this subject which will go up on my blog soon.

Check out Part 1 of this transit forecast for a short personal story & practical mantras on managing March’s energy.

If you feel like you could use an astrological perspective on how to get the most out of your creativity, relationships, career now, or reassurance & guidance on how to best navigate the wonky energy we’re working through collectively now, I am available to help. Book a reading through the link in my bio, or DM me with any questions. I love hearing from you.

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