Mercury’s direct station March 28th & forward motion March 30th signaled a change for the better, with April looking like an easier month astrologically than March.
Some of Mercury retrograde’s themes including truths revealed & inspiration for change will continue through April 14th, when Mercury completes this extended year’s transit through transformational Purva Bhadra nakshatra.
Purva Bhadra has been activated since the new moon March 6th, inspiring many of us to shed old skin, to create major shifts & deep resets in our lives or in the world. At the same time, this passionate lunar mansion can struggle w balance. With Saturn & Neptune’s disparate influences we may have felt more than the usual ups & downs of inspired highs & fearful lows that are typical of this nakshatra, whose power is to see situations from multiple perspectives & can flare up excitedly & burn out.
As Mercury moves forward from its station on the exact degree of the last new moon, it carries Purva Bhadra’s evolutionary themes & talents forward. At the same time we can now benefit from recent insights & information picked up during the last 3 weeks, & from Saturn’s grounding aspect. We could feel ourselves becoming more efficient & discriminating as we strive to bring order to recent chaos & discover solutions that make it easier for us to move forward.
Motivation to put ourselves out there can yield new or renewed opportunities to connect to wider networks. Participating w a spirit of play & service will bring more rewards at this time than pushing ego-driven agendas, & can open unanticipated learnings & soul’s growth.
Mercury’s direct station is conjunct Neptune which is beautiful for music & creativity, & supports working with with larger audiences or via the internet.
If we’ve been feeling especially stressed by recent events we could be feeling like we’ve just had enough & be longing for escape. Hang in there. There are sweet cosmic realignments in effect in the aftermath of several planets changing signs in March.
Using Neptune’s energy to surrender & tune in to our deepest self, to our personal spirituality, creativity & the extraordinary vitality of nature also relieves anxiety while revealing paradigm shifting secrets if we only allow ourselves to listen.