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Mercury Retrograde in Pisces March 2019
04 March 2019





5 March 2019 – 28 March 2019


Mercury Retrograde in Pisces March 2019

Dive into creative breakthroughs & intuitive downloads during an unusually dreamy & intuitive Mercury Retrograde

On March 5th nimble, earthy Mercury shifts directions in the vast intuitive waters of Pisces, just one day before the new moon. This can be a dreamy & idealistic retrograde as long as we’re patient with not quite being able to get our head ‘round things, & allowing ourselves to flow with our own shifting perspectives or changing plans. This despite simultaneously feeling urgency to resolve a situation to relieve mounting pressure, due to the combined influence excitable Purvabhadra nakshatra & pushy Mars.

We can experience creative breakthroughs & fascinating meditations during this retrograde & immediately after Mercury stations conjunct shimmering Neptune in transformative Purvabhadra. It’s a good time to journal & keep a dream diary.

Outer planet influences are coming at us from all directions right now, temporarily destabilizing our clarity of judgement & effective communication as they mingle (Pluto, Saturn, Ketu & Neptune), change signs (Jupiter, Rahu & Ketu) & contribute their various agendas to the upcoming new moon conjunct Neptune on the 6th, the exact same degree that Mercury will station direct on March 28th.

Try not to get completely lost in the escapist waters of Pisces & Neptune in a bid to reduce anxiety. There’s deeper fulfillment through diving into the magic of creative expression, music & our connection to the divine. The planetary dance is a reflection of our own internal psychological shifts & spiritual evolution which will manifest in the outside world as the year progresses. March is an excellent month to get an astrology or tarot reading, and energy work.

As we try to get a grasp on shifting perspectives & circumstances, reflexively seeking solutions, we may notice an underlying discomfort or even dread. Many of us are sensing the imminent major planetary shifts that will occur during this stretch of the retrograde which will impact us for 2-18 months.

Approaching the weeks to come with an attitude of intuitive observation & conscious response is ultimately most in tune with the shifting cosmic waters, as the major players of the 2019 Vedic Astrology planetary line-up, Rahu & Ketu, take up their new places in Sidereal Gemini & Sagittarius.

As ever, Mercury retrograde’s gift is to give us an opportunity to step back, to review & refine. For this particular cycle it’s recommended to practice serene detachment from whatever we come up with. Honoring our introvert part – focusing internally on our spirituality, art & passionate ideals – & considering how & where we fit into & contribute to large groups & networks will help ground & nourish us.

Busily trying to create & implement long-term plans could at best be wasted time & at worst a recipe for frustration & burnout. This is especially the case for the areas of life Gemini & Sagittarius rule in our charts. The day to day indications of these astrological houses will undergo profound changes, so deferring long term commitments at least until April is an especially wise strategy now.

Looking at 2 signs randomly (using Sidereal Ascendant & Moon): Virgos’ career ambitions are set to increase & there could be renovations at home or a move. Aquarians will be spending more time actively seeking more personal creative expression & passion while their public reputation & income could ebb & flow. The timing & extent of these changes depends on your personal chart but are likely to manifest over the next 11 months.

Approach this retrograde with a light touch. Stay open & curious. It’s a time to explore getting in tune with what inspires us in the bigger picture. March is the start of something big.

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