MOON FORECAST – July 23, 2017
How are you sustaining and nourishing yourself these days? Are you feeling grounded and secure?
Sunday’s new moon in Pushya nakshatra is a perfectly timed blessing. It gives us opportunities to experience physical, intellectual and spiritual nourishment in advance of major shifts ahead. When we notice an area of life where these resources are lacking, we will want to change it, as Mars’ conjunction to the new moon is instigating a touch of boldness and even urgency.
The shakti of Pushya is to harness spiritual energy, sometimes called prana or chi. This is a time to keep up our martial arts, yoga, meditation, ritual, pranayama (breath) and mantra, or consider beginning a practice. Higher knowledge from wise teachers, and/or guidance from the guru within, is available to us.
With the new moon falling in Sidereal Cancer, our emotions will be especially connected to our mental state and changing with surprising immediacy. It’s time to turn deep within to connect with Source that nourishes and sustains us, loving us (ourselves) unconditionally for no other reason than because we exist. This is a version of bliss.
Notably, many of us are feeling drained of vitality or passion due to debilitated Mars in tight combustion with the Sun, or are noticing a general tone of snappiness in the air. There is an opportunity for awareness here: Are we feeling impatient or frustrated with ourselves, feeling like we’re not measuring up to our ambitions, or are we experiencing this from others?
Whether or not change is occurring on our imagined ideal timeline, it is on its way: the next eclipse cycle begins in 2 weeks. In the meantime, we can turn inward devoting attention to self care, accessing inner wisdom and practicing compassion regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in.
One of the symbols of Pushya is the lotus flower which blossoms magnificently in muddy waters, maintaining its buoyancy while absorbing life energy from above and below (from the energy of sunlight and its sturdy stem). There is much wisdom to be found here.