Aaah, new moon energy. It’s a celestial reminder to go inward & be still, especially in light of the approaching winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
Tonight’s new moon in Mula creates conditions for change over the coming 30 days. Kicking off during Mercury retrograde, it’s a powerful cycle in which to review & release the energy of 2017.
Everything alive yearns to grow, and Mula speaks to the practical groundwork of this process. Here we clear ‘weeds’ from our environment, internal and external. Mula energy invites us to be courageous and remove anything that would choke or leach from our spirit. It also encourages us to rely on our inner resources, looking within and downward for nourishment rather than to external sources. There is wonderful opportunity with this new moon cycle to achieve deep truth and clarity in the service of growing our consciousness & there can be a strong spiritual pull. Those of us on this journey can expect to be stretched beyond our comfort zone.
Saturn’s conjunction to the new moon in Sagittarius brings with it Saturn’s own agenda. It reminds us that our beliefs may be quite entrenched, & speaks to that sneaky part of us that can be lazy or resistant to change even if deep down we know its necessary for us to grow to the next level, whatever that means to us personally. However Uranus’ trine can bring inspiration to commit to something based on our highest principles & enjoy the heady freedom & power that occurs once we fully commit to something authentic to our truth.
Whether change comes from a seemingly external source in the form of loss or strife, or via harnessing the determined willpower this nakshatra is known for, things rarely remain stagnant when Mula is activated.
💙 Only 💙