New Moon in Vishakha Nakshatra | Sidereal Libra
Relationship Growth & Healing, Achievements & Sudden Expansion
Today’s new moon is in the Star of Purpose, Vishakha nakshatra. It initiates an intense 30 day cycle of relationship surprises & growth, ambition & general expansion.
Romance could take intense, unusual & healing turns this lunar cycle. Venus continues retrograde through the 16th & dances in tight opposition to Uranus into December while Scorpionic energy is growing. Transformative & healing potentials are high especially if we are open to honest, profound discussion & don’t hang on too tightly.
Beware being overly impulsive in matters attraction & the heart. Vishaka’s association w sensuality & intoxication comes with complications. Its deities Indra & Agni were enthusiastic drinkers of Soma, & Indra suffered an interesting curse when he seduced the wrong rishi’s wife. Acting in alignment w highest values is a good way to go when it comes to relationship challenges, especially now.
Vishakha asks us to make a choice & that we pursue our commitment with the strength & single-mindedness of a stalking tiger. While this new moon is in the Sidereal Libra portion of the nakshatra it falls in Aries navamsha which balances Libra’s challenged boundaries with a healthy dose of self-interest & personal direction.
This is a bright, determined placement that desires & goes after achievement & accomplishment. Its yoni animal is the tiger. Tigers are spectacularly beautiful creatures with an enormous amount of power however they are sprinters not marathon runners. To succeed in the hunt tigers pace themselves, stalking patiently while focusing their superior vision upon their target. As long as they remain controlled success is usually assured. This is a useful image for Vishakha energy which can overdo things and become unbalanced (see Indragni above) or struggle between options.
A remedy for this nakshatra is Anuloma Viloma, alternate nostril breathing which calms & focuses the mind & unifies the hemispheres of the brain.
This is an ideal time to explore what’s possible when we surrender to our immediate goal or larger purpose. Relaxing into willpower may sound like an oxymoron, but think about what happens when we make a decision in alignment with our truth: maybe resistance melts away, emotionally we experience relief, our minds become less cluttered & life opens up. Often we discover that we are simply letting go of what is no longer in alignment with who we are.
We may be feeling ambitious & experience sudden expansion due to Jupiter & Rahu in tight mutual trinal aspect, especially with important placements (Ascendant, Moon or dasha lords) in Sidereal water signs. However this cycle manifests for us individually, which is of course based on our unique karmic blueprints expressed in our personal astrology chart, exploring qualities of gratitude, focus, sensuality, balance & determination tune us into the cosmic rhythms of the next 30 days.
Only love