Planting seeds in the midst of chaos⠀
How are you? I’ve missed connecting with you. Tonight’s new moon casting its eye forward over the next 6-15 months tugged me out of hibernation. I just had to share it with you!⠀
If you follow me you know I’m not a huge ‘set your intentions at the new moon’ kind of forecaster. Which, by the way, is excellent advice. New moons have deep symbolism for new beginnings, & unique powers of healing & renewal. It’s just that I prefer to be more specific in sharing the opportunities of each lunar cycle.⠀
But this new moon in Citra nakshatra is ideal for exactly this. Infused w the energy of the Celestial Architect, it asks us to imagine what we would like to manifest over the next 6 to 15 months. And to set that intention like it matters. It also helps us reach that point where we have the courage & the will to release old pain or destructive habits rooted in emotional trauma. ⠀
The potential now is boosted by the fixed star Spica which supports fame & success. Spica is Chittra’s yogatara. Important events occur when planets transit yogataras. This new moon on Spica happens to be aspected by 2 planets both on yogataras of their own, adding to its power while at the same time speaking to the less than ideal political & economic climate we’re enjoying. ⠀
Ambitious Rahu in Mrigasira amps up our hunger for inspiration & for something new that provides security. Mars in Revati asks how can we apply our strength or intensity honorably; alerts us that something will need to be let go of to see our goal or personal transformation realized; & that spiritual guidance is available for this transitional phase of our journey. ⠀
The sky is complicated now. Frustration & the virtues of patience are reflected in Citra’s symbol, the pearl. Pearls are formed when an irritant embeds itself into the tender part of a mollusc. As a defense strategy it soothes its discomfort over & over resulting in a lustrous jewel that retains its beauty & value for over a century. ⠀
Be gentle with the process. But when inspiration kisses you on the forehead, leap!⠀