How are you?? So many lives are disrupted now. I returned to the States last week from sweet Bali & was unceremoniously dunked into a media environment of confusion, fear & unimaginably inept leadership. Even with many blessings in my life & a gratitude practice, in moments I’ve found myself feeling angry, trapped & resigned. ⠀
Today in my daily meditation practice it hit me: Saturn. The planet, more than any other, that we love to hate. Saturn the planet of limitation, of quarantine, of loss of material survival needs & what brings us joy. What was Saturn trying to teach me?? This is important, because once we let go of fear of loss or attachment to what we think we need, Saturn eases up on us.⠀
There are different ways to tune in to the energy or message of a planet, which are really aspects of our own consciousness. We can research the planet in our astrology charts. We can meditate on one of Saturn’s natural manifestations in nature, like lead, crows, ants, winter, old age or delays. ⠀
Personally, I like to meditate on the names of a planet. There’s a lot to a name! Each of a planer’s 108 names reveals a quality, a purpose the planet has for uplifting our awareness & supporting our spiritual evolution. Even miserable old man Saturn has a positive intention for us. ⠀
The method is simple. I reach for my book of planet names & let it fall open. It’s a lot like pulling a tarot card. I say the name silently to myself & open up my intuition. ⠀
The first name that revealed itself was Saranyaaya: The refuge & the protector. Quarantine, anyone? I knew I was on the right track.⠀
Half an later, I feel at peace. Instead of feeling contracted & edgy my heart is more open, soft & allowing. ⠀
Saturn gave me many messages. He told me that the only way out is in. He said we are faced with necessary uncomfortable truths. He also challenged me to let go of the drama, to be neutral & to trust Universe/God. Gently, he reminded that the more I surrender & be present, the more more the walls will come down to let in more love, deeper connection, profound peace & grounded awareness.
How are you dancing with the unsolicited gifts of Saturn?
Blessings to Shanidev