Do you have a preferred approach to love, romance and fun? Today Venus moves into Sidereal Gemini which supports dating, experimentation and variety in how we communicate and relate to others but can quickly lose interest when lightness and ease turn into something that feels like work.
This isn’t necessarily as fickle as it sounds.
Venus brings beauty and diplomacy to everything it touches. In Gemini it just doesn’t do well in situations that feel judgemental or when communication becomes blocked. Explore a live and let live philosophy in whatever area of life Gemini rules in your chart (ambition for Leos, career for Virgos) that encourages mutual communication and accommodation of the other.
These are a great few weeks to embrace keeping things fun and entertaining and experimental. Save the drama queen tendencies for when Venus goes into Leo later in the summer and for now let yourself be entertained and entertaining.
At its worst this transit can give a tendency to short-term infatuations and playing the field as it has a strong desire for creative, mental and sexual stimulation.
Incidentally, Venus in Gemini gives beautiful shoulders, hands and arms so show off your cold-shoulder tops and strapless dresses.
Image source: Unknown.